Strategies for Hiring Strong Sales Talent in 2023
Recruiting and hiring strong sales talent is a perennial challenge for sales leaders in 2023. Finding the candidate with the right skills, experience, and personality traits can be a daunting task. However, there are strategies that sales leaders can use to attract and hire top talent. In this blog post, we'll explore 9 strategies for hiring strong sales talent in 2023.
Remote Selling and Virtual Collaboration: Adapting Sales Strategies in the Digital Era
Working remotely as a salesperson is not exactly a new concept but in recent times remote or virtual working has become such a topical issue. The pandemic has brought about a significant shift in the way businesses operate. Remote selling and virtual collaboration have become the new norm and, if they didn’t do it before, sales leaders need to adapt to this new way of doing business. The difference now is that often the sales targets are also remote, changing the dynamic of the sales effort. With the right tools and skills, sales teams can effectively engage with prospects and clients virtually. In this blog post, we will explore the impact of the pandemic on remote work and virtual collaboration and discuss how sales leaders can equip their teams to succeed in this new environment.
Sales Infrastructure change: 5 Steps for Successful User Adoption and Training
Sales infrastructure change is an essential aspect of any organization that wants to stay ahead of the competition. However, implementing such changes can be challenging, especially when it comes to user adoption and training. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best practices for driving change management, user adoption, and training in sales infrastructure.
5 best practices for transitioning from a legacy sales infrastructure to a new system
In the world of sales infrastructure, legacy systems can be a major obstacle to growth and innovation. Legacy systems are outdated software or hardware that are still in use, despite the high maintenance costs, integration issues, and security risks they pose. In this blog post, we'll explore the impact of legacy systems on sales infrastructure and discuss strategies for modernisation.
"Overcoming Sales Infrastructure Challenges: Strategies for Success"
What are your biggest sales infrastructure challenges? I recently asked AI what the biggest challenges facing sales leaders are in terms of infrastructure. I did this not because I don’t know the answer but more to validate that my understanding is across the board. As you are no doubt aware, AI pulls from a wide range of sources so you really get a broad answer to the questions you pose.
Motivating Your Sales Team in 2023: Proven Strategies to Boost Productivity
One of the key challenges facing sales leaders is how to maintain motivation and uplift their sales teams. Motivating your sales team is not a one-size-fits-all approach, different sales teams require different strategies to keep them motivated and different individuals respond to different types of motivation.
Is AI really a sales thing? - 5 Key ways AI can be used in sales today
The rise in the use of artificial intelligence over the last few years has certainly changed the landscape in the marketing world. Who actually wrote that copy for a new advert or social media post? Does it really matter who if it hits the mark?
You could be forgiven, however, for assuming that AI does not have a place in sales. This is the land of PEOPLE talking to PEOPLE is it not?
Is promoting your top salesperson to sales manager a good idea?
Being good at sales does not mean you can lead a group of people to do the same, promoting your best salesperson and making them the sales manager could be a costly mistake.
Why your internal brand, your DNA, is as important as your external brand
Why your internal brand, your DNA, is as important as your external brand. In many companies, there is not enough attention given to internal marketing. Senior leadership often recognise the need to keep people informed however few understand the need for convincing the employees about the brand
Optimising Your Organisation Does Not Mean It's Broken
There can be a natural resistance to the advice of a consultant, as if acknowledging that support is needed is an admission of weakness. The greatest companies are constantly improving their people, processes and practices so that they continue to be the best ..
Will They or Can They? The Battle for Supremacy
When you are assessing the competency of people in the sales world, understanding the attitudinal and motivational factors of someones persona is critical
Changing the Norm Values in an Organisation
The most basic aspect of commerciality is also one of the most important. Businesses often get stuck in a cultural and/or practical rut. This is especially harmful to the sales organisation.
Lessons Learned: A Post-Project Review
Delivering a project is a key time for reflecting on the time spent and the learnings from the work you have undertaken.
Some reflections on my recently completed project, reminding me that these points apply all the time ..
Building a Successful Sales Culture: It Takes Effort and Strategy
A set of sales values should exist that are derivatives of the overall organisation’s culture and values
An organisation which is growth focused sees the value in good sales engagement, values its sales people
The Evolution of Transformation
Most change initiatives fail because quite simply people fail to change, someone somewhere has to change their behaviour
The simple, often overlooked fact is that people don’t like change. Behavioural change is not automatic and it’s not easy.
How to collaborate effectively without overdoing it?
Situational leadership is a commonly understood management approach and refers to the point that no single leadership style is king, rather that the type of leadership depends on the task and situation at hand.
Centralising a Targeting Methodology: Benefits and Best Practices
In today's fast-paced business environment, organisations need to be agile and efficient to stay ahead of the competition. One way to achieve this is by centralising your targeting methodology. Centralisation can help improve communication, coordination, and efficiency across the organisation, leading to better results and a more consistent brand message. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of centralising your targeting methodology and provide some best practices for implementing this approach
5 Principles for Setting Expectations in Your Sales Organisation
The language around sales performance is usually about whether the numbers are achieved or not, in a very binary way. To some degree this simplicity is required since the whole objective is to bring in revenue however if you only ever talk about whether one number is hit or it isn’t, then realistic and appropriate performance management cannot happen
How to Set Targets at the End of the Year
Setting sales targets is an important part of ensuring that your sales team is motivated and focused on achieving their goals. Here are some steps to help you set sales targets at the end of the year: