Is AI really a sales thing? - 5 Key ways AI can be used in sales today
The rise in the use of artificial intelligence over the last few years has certainly changed the landscape in the marketing world. Who actually wrote that copy for a new advert or social media post? Does it really matter who if it hits the mark?
You could be forgiven, however, for assuming that AI does not have a place in sales. This is the land of PEOPLE talking to PEOPLE is it not?
Is promoting your top salesperson to sales manager a good idea?
Being good at sales does not mean you can lead a group of people to do the same, promoting your best salesperson and making them the sales manager could be a costly mistake.
Building a Successful Sales Culture: It Takes Effort and Strategy
A set of sales values should exist that are derivatives of the overall organisation’s culture and values
An organisation which is growth focused sees the value in good sales engagement, values its sales people