Performance Management

eBook series

In the series ..

Change and Organisation

This guide will walk you through the organisational considerations when setting up Performance Management structure.

Goal Setting

This guide will take you step by step through the approach to setting expectations in the organisation, both in explicit goals and objectives as well as behaviours.

Competency Framework

This guide will take you through the principles of competency frameworks with descriptions and examples.

Performance Cycle

This guide will take you through the performance management cycle, what to consider and how to practically embed this in your organisation.

Performance Review

IThis guide will take you through the approach to the performance review itself, how to prepare and what the outcomes should be.

Assessing Potential

This ebook discusses why assessing potential in your organisation is important and the mechanisms you can use to manage it.

Putting into Action

Now that you have all of the information regarding setting up a Performance Management structure in your organisation, this guide covers where to start with practical step by step guidance and useful examples.